Seychelles President James Michel has welcomed the progress made by the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth today, in identifying piracy as one of the main areas of concern for the development of Commonwealth countries.

President Michel had raised the Somali piracy issue during his state visit to Australia in August this year and today is greatly encouraged by the announcements made by the Australian Government at the opening day of CHOGM that it will host a counter-piracy conference in Perth next year. The 2012 conference will examine the means by which Somalia can be assisted as well as other affected countries in anti-piracy cooperation.

The President also commended the resolve of the Commonwealth countries to cooperate against piracy, which was expressed during the Indian Ocean Piracy Forum that was held in the margins of the CHOGM on Friday, and was chaired by the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Kevin Rudd and the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Baroness Catherine Ashton.
“It is important that the participants agreed that regional ownership and burden sharing is essential to this combat, and also that the countries of the region share a common legal heritage that presents opportunities for Commonwealth as well as other organisations to deliver legal assistances and support to criminal justice systems,” said the President.
The President furthermore acknowledged the support of the EU in the fight against piracy both in terms if the Atalanta operation as well as regional anti-piracy projects.
“The coast states of the Indian Ocean need more support- both in terms of maritime assets, in terms of prisons and in terms of legislative and human resource capacity building. These coastal states are in the majority Commonwealth states- and we salute the efforts of our partners, Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, The Maldives and Mozambique. We also thank the Government of India for its proactive role in helping our Coast Guard and training our military for appropriate response to piracy at sea. We believe the Commonwealth is ideally situated to bring more support to the member states to provide technical assistance for legal framework for prosecuting pirates.”
The President also said that the financiers of piracy must be targeted and pursued through surveillance, so that the true beneficiaries of the illegal trade may be brought to justice.
Mr. Michel also said that the Commonwealth need to reinforce the capacity of the Somali people to tackle their security problems and to be able to pursue their economic activities in peace.
President Michel attended the Opening Ceremony of the CHOGM, which was opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and attended by the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia Julia Guillard, and the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Kamalesh Sharma, together with Heads of Government and Foreign Ministers of the 54 countries of the Commonwealth.
The theme for CHOGM 2011 is “Building global resilience, building national resilience.” Editor’s Note
· For background information concerning the Seychelles’ response to piracy see President Michel’s interview at this link:
Mr Christopher Gill - happy Sunday to you, given you father love for sport in East Africa - the Safari Rally, the India formula one, 1st Grand Prix today.
We are certain you have been following the Human Rights issues from Perth, Commonwealth Summit. There are very large protests around that Summit - yet nobody from the 25,000 Seychellois community in Australia comes forward and share their view.
The credibility of the Commonwealth is being challenge, in our case, the statement they changed Sechelles Seychelles one Party state system. This is a gross lie, dishonesty and political corruption.
It was on account of that SIROP etc program, the changes it brought, the dynamic and synergies to very many countries in the Indian Ocean and East Africa, South Africa. The way the media operate, the so call historian, the so call official version and government - why the world and society is in such a mega mess. What they want slaves, nurds etc to work, do things and they take credits and harvest/amass/manipulate their riches and $ billions.
We have some 15,000 exile/refugee out there across the world over the past 25 years, those form the British government, Australia and Canada who know the issues and yet, no support, no challenge of Seychelles government and the SPPF/PL - they continue and fund all kinds of democratic, social process yet their refusal to even mention and asknowledge the existance of those 15,000 exile/refugee, their children, wives and elderly - yet their lands, everything they had in Seychelles, buid the country, started the country has been taken, robbed and the new politicl and social line of the government.
What about all the death, killing lives lost. Many of our readers ask why we are anti the Commonwealth system. 25 years ago all those who said we did not know and or have the experience - people you do not know what we have done, work with the British institutions, the Royal family, the countries and people of the Commonwealth and their utter denial, lie and corruption.
It is highly abnormal - it cannot go on.
Humour has it that Seychellois (bann gran blan sa lepok) who went to Australia came back to Seychelles dumber than when they left .
This phenomena - can equally be said of Britain. For some 30 years we have been watching, discussing such issues.
Like the Australian, South African and British when you are in your own country the human dynamic, mind, psycology develop and function differently. This allow different approach to communication, reaction, decision making and the kind of life you one live in the end. The result a positive or negative result.
The second big challenge is for the Franco Seychellois culture just like when you surpress the black culture, individuality, mannerism of expression you destroy the individuality - the inner self of that person and what ensue.
The most devastating phenomena associated and involved is the Use and abuse "what we have termed over the past 30 years a satanic vibe, rave/rage - in France Vache folle, some call it CJD orhters anti social"
This psycalogical abnormality was developed by the CIA, KGB, and a few high working intellegence services during the Cold War - beside certain institutions. They were used to destabilise, control, manipulate and create situation.
The greater public got hold of these working, mechanism around 1986 as part of the Cold War change issues. We had warned time and time then of the consequences.
Then came the Blair government, they demanded that right across the Board, EU, International working, the Commonwealth, education, police, military, the impact on human system, society, the mind, life - the impacts is very serious, medical , etc etc this highly corrupted system, bench mark be applied. This pehnomena is strongly applied in English speaking countries/rather the high negative aspects associated.
After one anybody has been for a given number of years inflicted, subjected, submitted, implented, lived in such environment. That person, group of person, whole community and nation mode of functioning., thinking process, ability, communication, decisin making ability and very dynamic.
This include not just the Seychellois grand blanc in Australia - right across the board. The problematic when they return or visit a Country like Sechelles Seychelles with quite different dynamic and functionalty, the people, friends, families take more pain, time to look into such issues - again all our lobby, protest to President FA Rene government, all the Opposition, the Church, the media, regional bodies and institutions on this subject. How this is affecting our society, children and future - the negative functioning/working brought in by Tourist from Europe. Our native, people judge, concluded because they were white, can/Could afford a holidy to Sechelles Seychelles, they were special, above normal human - the upper social class -, those who are educated and travel. A very large majority of those Tourist, visitors , busines man etc form abroad have taken the liberty to apply the same corrupted mechanism, workin, communication on all Seychelles, how it is use to degrade, insult, intimidate, bully, make racist comment and remarks. How it is used to degrade the local, native Seychellois even those who have travelled and had education abroad - for those it has becme a weapon in their hands to use and abuse it as and when they want. Including the politicians, the police and a very long list in Seychelles. This is a very dangerous development.
For this reason we became the first public to start/host forum on "satanic rage/rave/vibe use and abuse, the phenomena, the Vache folle, the mad cow/CJD and neighbour from hell , antisocial pehnomena"
Yeah, just look at our friend Tiklo and you have the perfect evidence of this.
Michel is definitely amking piracy his scpaegoat in order to pocket more money fro international communities.IT must be noted that in the last past years Eurpoean and other interantional organizations have been giving and poring money into various NGO^s and state coffer to for instance,promote democracy instead PP confiscate the money and used it to sponsor its election campiagns.
On Piracy.It has been years now the interantional communities have been helping and injecting money int othe fight,They should ask thre butcher what has he as President and the country to self defence its territories.Personally,a seriuos governement i am sure would have for instance set up a naval base in the region to better intervene,protect etc our EEZ,Pp failed to do so,for Glenny Savy does not want any base on his self proclaim islands.Pp must stop acting like Leaders on the main continent of Africa whereby they asked,fight for independence and instead of being sovereign they are still operating as if we still a colony and still having the same african mentality which consist of depending on others instead of delivering .
Jeanne D'Arc
Michel wants to hijack the common wealth meeting to beg for money .But the butcher if he was serious could have also ask the organization to come next time as election observers,instead of a few corrupted Africans observers :the latter in last eclections told us each time the elections were fair and free but they had concerned.Hence an election can be either fair and free or unfair and unfree but not both.
Jeanne D'Arc
Read the Nation this morning about getting the Consul involved in the Pirate issues.
Also read the news about the British Navy in port.
Seychelles government, the SPPF played into the hands of our Consuls, the international community, they rip the Seychellois Nation people off and made $billions from that SIROP etc exile/refugee program, they almost made the country bankrupt. They use the International Terrorist Legislation to screw all the activist in that SIROP etc program in the Ground and the made their $billions.
They talk of no money - where has all the $billions they made out of that SIROP etc exile/refugee program.
We have been working to register this program in Sechelles Seychelles and Bruxelles, we need some cash, office, resource and wages. We cannot not allowed to get it - yet it is our program. they deny there are 10,000 Seychelles exile/refugee. What and all they want slaves, people to work for them, put business connection together for them to fleces and rip off.
These people are not better than the Pirate - in the first instance, the Pirate of Somali cam about over/connection with that SIROP etc program which they rip the seychelles exile/refugee and nation - almost made the country bankrupt. Whilst the made their $billions - the protest at St Paul in London, many other protests.
We need to tell the British government and people enough is enough - help us move our exile/refugee interests/working on Mailand Europe, then they will see what will happenn to their EU greater politic, their Euro politic and Indian Ocean Politic - Sir james GoldSmith and the Isreali knew and have know about those issues for the past 35 years, their Intelligence Services. The tons of garbage their media have been writing about the past 6 months. We challenge any of their media/paper taske us on and then write about it - they are too scared. Yet they come home and do this kind of crap and nobody, none of the political parties or opposition protests.
Now/today we have a One party State back and their politic.
Somebody need to write/let you all know in Seychelles what the real crap is all about - you do not even know what/why Wikileak was started, all you can write and talk about you beaches and Creole Festivals - whilst others take the dirt on you behalf, do all the dirty work it is time a stop is put to all this.
Yes! I also want to know what happened to the $500 that was given to SYROP. Maybe Mr. Edmond or the Seychelles government can enlighten us on this issue.
Many of you may judge out of topic - the news about Martin erradication on Denis Island - the "vibe/rage we get from that news caster" they are hinting, suggesting, implying Seychelles Freedom Party and Mr Pierre new party -
A few months ago they come on with similar so call environment issues about using Seychelles Special Force to hunt the Green Parrot on Mahe to eradicate them - the buzz/rage/vine they implied SNP.
These are issues the grouping S4S are supposed to work on - it woud not be unlogic for MSR to get involve and protest against such lunacy in the name of environment.
Should we not instead radicate those Arab pests infesting our christian land first before MARTIN who is not possing any problem to the sovereignty of our country ?
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc if you want to get rid of Arabs just bury a couple of pigs on the land they purchase. They will abandon the place fast. WHy don't Seychellois set their pigs lose on their land and you will see what happen nest.
They will let their CAMELS free and you will see your pigs sot derier miray kot ZENDORK.
Hasenn A Lee
Good idea!we must start by burying our piglets Morgan,Pierre and then our "VERAS"Rene,Herminie,David Say,Glenny, our Saddleback pig Faure and of course ther butcher with them.
Jeanne D'Arc
Eoula Jeanne D'Arc Pli gran VERAS se Jean Paul Isaac a.k.a. Johnny - get son nennen manyer i parey enn ti konson!...e pi i annan sa gro vera gras komsi saddleback koni komm Gill!
Phobias has disconnected you from rationality and your sanity is now being questioned. Do you really want to bring freedom to our shore or you just want a platform to vent your personal issue?
Democracy is always at the back of our head. It is being suppressed by our religious indoctrination that occupying our immediate memory and prevents us from thinking freely. As long as we allow our faith to occupy our upper memory, our thoughts will be clogged and our brain will not have a space for critical thinking. And of course, democracy will always be override by some mindless issues that will help conserve our religious doctrine.
If you want to be our future leader you better free yourself from your shallow mentality and detoxicate yourself from religious propagandist.
Freedom Loving Seychellois seems bent on protecting Islam. Maybe he is vying for the position of a suicide bomber. Very soon plenty of such positions will be advertised.
There is a reality here that is Pp is unconstitutionally sell out our sovereign state with foreigners,whether you try to use racism as a way of excusing Pp's crimies or attempting to silent us from defending our sovirengnty ,it is not your words that would stop us from defending our land.What those Pp crooks nd foreigners think about what we say or not we do not care mit should in fact be the contary they(those foreigners)in our land should abide by our rules,respect our people,respect our constitution not the opposite.
Our regilion,is what has made us what we are namely that our women are free and have the same right as men and not like fuedal counitires wherby women are concider and treated as second class citizen.Our religion ,is also part of our culture a culture we proud of and it is not what a foreigners or an Arab think that will change that.Our country has alays been a christian land from the very first time men decided to settle here,and for decades our religion has help make us the peaceful people we are,but since communist forced their way to power by Ak 47 and especially since thebutcher took over power our land has been seeing a invasion of foreigners from Teorrist land like Pakistan,Indian,and other who werre brought here by PP to modiy our society,culture,tradition etc..make them Seychellois illegally in order to solely continue control us and stay on power.With it those illegalys brought with them thier archaic tradition,culture to our shores but not only they import their archaic culture to us but they want to impose them on us instead of learning about the cuzlture,tradition etc of the country that hst them.You have seen each year all those Hindus parading our streets though they not Seychellois but supposedly only expat workers.These shit must be stop and we will continue to fight against,regardless what Pp crooks and its foreignvcolonizers say.
Sesel pou Seselwa,if they do not like it,come bck to their homeland and there they can dictate ,do what they want ,like they want ,not here on our christain land.
Jeanne D'Arc
From the Nation 16.11.2011
Brigitte Nibourette passes away - 16.11.2011
Female basketballer Brigitte Nibourette has died.
Sports Nation learned of the former Anse Etoile Stars’ player’s demise during the weekend.
She was 33 and was living in England at the time of her death.
Jeanne D'arc, Jean Paul a.k.a. Johnny & Totof;
I hope the three of you had time to ask for forgiveness and atone for your sinful beghaviour towards this exellent human being.
Nowhere have I seen such vile and hateful things written about another person than from you Christopher Gill, Jean Paul Isaac a.k.a. Johnny and Jeanne D'arc on whose only purpose was to question your phoney claims and inuendos!
Christopher Gill & jean Paul Isaac; your bloggs are the epitome of evil that preaches and teach hate and evil!
You shall be struck by the hand of the very god whose bible you are using to bash others with and incite hatred!
You three with Jeanne D'arc are cursed!
"White men story is his story not history"
I know you are proud of the Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity that your religion has committed to instil your faith all over the world.
Let me just list a few of your achievements:
* As soon as Christianity was legal (315), more and
more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian
mob. Pagan priests were killed.
* Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan
believers were slain.
* Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of
Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in
Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
* Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or
Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as "temple
destroyer." [DA468]
* Pagan services became punishable by death in
356. [DA468]
* Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even
had children executed, because they had been
playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
According to Christian chroniclers he "followed
meticulously all Christian teachings..."
* In 6th century pagans were declared void of all
* In the early fourth century the philosopher
Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian
authorities. [DA466]
* The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of
Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass
fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a
Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in
The list is too long to blog. Maybe you should informed yourself on atrocities committed by your religion onto the real followers of Christ and the jews, then we'll see if you are still proud of your achievements. Compare to the Church criminal acts against humanity, Rene and Michel would look like saints on judgement day
We all want to see that justice is served in the world not just in the Seychelles but we don't have to be hate-mongers or rely on lies and propagandas to do so. THE TRUTH IS ALL WE NEED.
Never has more crimes been committed than in the name of Christianity. They have decimated, anhiliated and exterminated whole tribes and nations in the name of Christ so Chris don't think that by standing and preaching with a bible in your hand will gain you support from the Seychellois, non mon vieux they are spitting at the very mention of your name!
...I meant more crimes and atrocities...
Freedom Loving Seychellois what you quoted happened or maybe happened centuries ago. I wasn't around and so were you. So let's stick to what is going now during our time. Centuries ago all men were evil but we matured and embraced civilsation, except Islam who continuously refused to do so. They still prefer to behead, stoned to death, used suicide bombers, etc, etc in the name of their religion. So you see my point here. We don't want Islam in Seychelles we want to live in peace and harmony as per our culture and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We do not want to live as per the teaching of the pedophile prophet mohammed.
Only because Napoleon stopped them in 1796. However, they still manage to start a secret society that has help them keep their loots and create a New World Order.
Check this out:
How can an institution that is anti-Christ teach us about Christ?
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