Seychelles freedom Party taught on David Pierre’s case
Seychelles freedom Party looked at the move made by David Pierre to go to the courts as a scheme to give back what little dignity PL had left and in the midst of all this provide leverage to James Alix Michel in implementing Partial Reform and Serving over his sham elected mandate.
So definitely SFP saw that David Pierre was going to lose his case in order to provide the judiciary cover in showing its independence, also to show that if really peoples party was as corrupted as the oppositions claimed they are then he would have had the odds in his direct favor. So a game well played by David Pierre extra few bucks earned and well deserved by the judiciary.
So definitely SFP saw that David Pierre was going to lose his case in order to provide the judiciary cover in showing its independence, also to show that if really peoples party was as corrupted as the oppositions claimed they are then he would have had the odds in his direct favor. So a game well played by David Pierre extra few bucks earned and well deserved by the judiciary.
The Approach Used by the SNP In view Of David Pierre’s Court Case
The Seychelles National Party Under the leadership of Wavel Ramkalawan took it into themselves to discredit people’s party to the general public by spreading the word of Fada himself that since PL is behind the PDM creation and financing the case was a ploy to squeeze in Pierre to the assembly for the leader of opposition seat. To this point an all out war whereby Wavel Ramkalawan even fought for Defacto leader of opposition post and according to his entourage has won and holds this title at present.
This defensive move to protect his post and title Ramkalawan took things to the street where people like James Bacco and many more where campaigning door to street corners telling supporters to rally at the court house on the eighteenth to scare Pierre and the judges to force them into making a compromise so that David Pierre would not be allowed in since international observers where overseeing our present situation in the political arena. This materialized but unfortunately for the SNP only Bacco himself and two other die hard SNP distributor man turned up at the court house and their racketing was very weak to create any disturbance.
This defensive move to protect his post and title Ramkalawan took things to the street where people like James Bacco and many more where campaigning door to street corners telling supporters to rally at the court house on the eighteenth to scare Pierre and the judges to force them into making a compromise so that David Pierre would not be allowed in since international observers where overseeing our present situation in the political arena. This materialized but unfortunately for the SNP only Bacco himself and two other die hard SNP distributor man turned up at the court house and their racketing was very weak to create any disturbance.
Did David Pierre Really Stand a Chance to win This Case
The constitution is clear and straight forward despite the fancy pancy from lawyer Hoaureau on behalf of David Pierre just a few months after Jane Carpin’s case.
The whole play roll displayed truth to David Pierre’s loss to this one. First the engagement of Attorney frank ally as representation to Electoral Commission and Hendrick Gappy, the attorney General asking everyone underneath the court house in employment who was representing Gappy and finally office of the president stressing on the electoral Reform right after a 25 – o win and back into the one party state.

Wavel John Charles Ramkalawan missed the obvious truth that the onus was on him and the SNP, yes the European union and other international delegations where stressing with Michel to conduct reform and keep the peace but they were also told that the peace is there and that it is rather the opposition parties that likes to create havoc where there is none and example was totally given when a campaign to force judges to conduct justice by arrogance at the court house was in vain since the law was applied, this also gave credibility to PL when they said we never created David Pierre and PDM. This also provides Michel with a “Porte Ouvert” to manipulate the reforms for another ten to fifteen years to come to his stay is to be two years tops and handing over to Danny Faure.
Seychelles Freedom Party gets a plus one from international community and the merry band of three gets a vogue face and a silent ear.
SFP clearly said Pierre would lose because we have them on offence and at the round table yet the said to be main oppositions made it clear we will not discuss and went on a boycott without analysis. The following day of the so big boycott broadcast on sbc there they were at the table asking for another election even if the reform where not even at ground breaking point.
Stay tune for the full technical details of the court case and on the meeting at the electoral commission’s office.
Seychelles Freedom Party gets a plus one from international community and the merry band of three gets a vogue face and a silent ear.
SFP clearly said Pierre would lose because we have them on offence and at the round table yet the said to be main oppositions made it clear we will not discuss and went on a boycott without analysis. The following day of the so big boycott broadcast on sbc there they were at the table asking for another election even if the reform where not even at ground breaking point.
Stay tune for the full technical details of the court case and on the meeting at the electoral commission’s office.
What no picture of Jean Paul Adam ? What a letdown !
maybe son fes e grate.
David Pierre gets spoon-fed by James Michel nowadays.
Any photo of Jean Paul Adam getting 'spoon-fed' by his mates ?
Not only does Ramkalawan speaks closely to PL ministers and army brigadier he also speaks to Michel at state house to discuss the fate of seychellois now that's change for SNP.
Plus one for Christopher gill for taking things to the round table at least it is in the open and diversity of opinion is shared.
We decided to add the only current photo we have of Mr Peter Gill and Dr Maxime Ferrari election poster - both their important role, contribution support or opposition to this SIROP etc exile/refugee program. Our copy of Sunshine and Shadow is in Holland with all the pictures.
Because of the National consencus of National Reconciliation - those involved in discrediting, torpedoeing, massive negativity against that exile/refugee program - we kept the challenges to minimum.
We decided to add this picture to the SIROP drop box, slide with a brief caption - this morning it had been hacked and what we had written ammended, deleted to make it pass as if we are completely unalphabet - we have encountered this issues in the past form the same quater.
Below is what we have written as caption under the picture again. {Mr Peter Gill who gave us his important support encouragement whilst we put that SIROP etc program together.
Dr Maxime Ferrari Vice President, Minister of Development & Planning during our stay in Austria, Dr Karl Pisec, research by UNIDO and building of the International Comference Centre Vienna, that SIROP etc $500 - $800 millions exile/refugee program, the Munich Conference - His son, Hon Jean Francois Ferrari, the underground opposition and later Parti Seychellois - United Opposition merger - SNP, what has been written in his Biography "Sunshine and shadow"} we commented we would address the issues on Seychelles Freedom Party Blog.
Those of you concern, bad enough the attitude of Seychelles government the past 30 years, the massive lies, coverup and corruption, the dishonesty, the UN, the EU, the Commonwealth, the OAU/AU, Francophone as well as several leading Western government all ignoring that we have some 15,000 - 20,000 exile. Including many MNA we have written and address the issues. To get families, individuals and politicians involved in hacking this SIROP drop box and editing its written contents is grave. We ask the readers and blog members to give us their views.
Thank you.
The brigadier... HA... HA, HA!
RAM laughing,drinking champagn and eating caviars in a Pp get together,shaking and making jokes is quit extraordinary for a supposedly main oppostion leader and probably unique in the world.The picture shows us that RAM is more than just a good friend of Pp cronies but an active member of it.And his recent rejection to participate on the round table organize by the oppostion is just another mis-step on how detach RAM is to reality and his dependency on PP.Seychellois need strong leaders not those to the likes of RAM that need PP babysitter in order to survival.
Jeanne D'Arc
Is that this little child still being feed by a babysitter on the above photo that you wanted us to vote for as main opposition leader?
And did the photo of the butcher togther with the Queen catch your attention?No!Check it again.The butcher mind seems to be elsewhere not at of what was being said in the meeting.You know why?The butcher eyes was fixed on the golden stick that lied on the table in front on the Queen,he busy figuring out how he could fake the Queen and get away with this massive Golden stick which probably have costed theBrit tax payers a fortune.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc; the butcher already has a golden stick that he'd like to give to you. Ya fer ou fes roule parey koko nicobar dan mouswar foular ler ou marse
Considering the tiny little charcoal twig that you're getting from Jean Paul Isaac a.k.a. little Johnny!
Nicette did not left the butcher by accident ,it's known that the butcher invertebrate is unfunctional.You might ask why then a young lady accept to get married to an old man with a man.Well for the same reason as that of nicette ,the latter is just there for the money and helps give the butcher some sort of human face.
Jeanne D'Arc
Fake profiles uncovered. Jeanne D'Arc is no other than Jean Paul Issac, a name that turns on Christopher Gill when they sodomize one another. Sang Wang is no other than Garry Tall living in the UK; discovered because pea brain JP let the cat out of the bag in a conversation. In fact on their blogs there is only three or four of them but with multiple fake profiles. What a sad bunch of losers. You will never make it you bunch of sorry losers.
Arab money, so, so goooood!
I think we forget one thing. Seychellois have for over 50 years loved working in Arab countries from Beirut, Bahrain, Dubai etc... Look at how many of the airport staff are now working for Emirates and Qatar airlines in Doha and Dubai . Do not kid yourself J Darc, the Seychellois love the Arabs!
Of course they LOVE Arabs; Jeanne D'Arc Isaac pa ti ganny boure ek Arab! Kote ou kwar Jean Paul Isaac i sorti?
Let us not forget that most arabs are poor people.
Do we really know the meaning of LOVE? Can we truly believe in LOVE when we cannot stand the TRUTH?
Ask your mama she made you with an Arab she'll tell you if it was for LOVE or money. Must have been love if all Arabs are poor
The brigadier... HA... HA, HA!
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