Thursday, July 21, 2011

STB Exposes Communist Failure in Tourism


The Seychelles Tourism Board, under the suggestion of the private sector embarked on the drafting of a Master Plan For Tourism last year. Would you believe that after Forty (40) years of Tourism, Thirty-Four (34) of which have been under one communist regime, we did not have a Master Plan for Tourism.

I am not making this up, this is the reality of the predicament of the country. Believe it.

It is too late to cry over spilled milk and wallow in self pity as we wonder what kind of money we could have generated with a proper growth plan.

As the STB green paper (meaning discussion paper) makes the rounds and all sectors of the Tourism Industry are consulted and government, I ask the communist to show some humility because they have royally screwed up the Seychelles Tourism Industry by not having a master plan for Thirty –Four (34) years.

With no plan in place, it means the communists have been making decisions that concern Tourism, well, to put it lightly: “from an un informed basis”.

Communist Said Build More Hotels, But no Direct Flights

If you are a hotel owner or worker in the Industry, and you have looked at your beautiful room and excellent product and wondered why is this fantastic product, on a fantastic location in paradise,- empty, you can blame the lack of foresight and lack of planning on the communists in the past for the reason why the rooms stayed empty.

As Seychelles went bankrupt in 2008, they were busy calling for more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to scratch up cash fast, which James Michel told us was $2 Billion at one point. Since he did not have a plan, his government approved these projects, but we did not have flights coming directly from Europe to meet bed availability.

Hence occupancy for Seychelles, throughout 2000 -2011 has hovered between 50%-57%. As occupancy remained low, room prices dropped, and yield reduced per visitor. Consequently, even if more tourist come to Seychelles, they spend much less and tax our infrastructure and eco sustainability more and more, and reduce the overall brand image of the Seychelles. Each year we are in this vicious cycle, it gets worse and worse.

The low occupancy rates below 75%  represents a total failing grade for the Tourism Industry and exposes severe under performance of the Industry and worse, over capacity. Why? Because as the rooms opened up, Air Seychelles went flying to Falklands, India, Mauritius and on charter, contracted trips, where payment could be “negotiated” and lumped summed.

Turning Down 5th Freedom Flying Rights

To make matters worse for Seychelles Tourism Industry, the communist seem to have placed the viability of Air Seychelles, above the viability and success of the Industry. Air Seychelles has gone off on a tangent that has left it without effective interactive communications with the STB or the SHTA. The national airline has been a strong advocate of denying 5th Freedom Rights to airlines that want to come to Seychelles and fly onwards taking passengers, to other destinations. This has caused a tremendous amount of loss of revenue to Seychelles, over the years, that with that money, we could have reinvested in Air Seychelles, and started to fly throughout Africa, which is booming today, to buttress our national airline. Instead, we have closed off travel and marketing opportunities to Seychelles, and today, the Industry is on the verge of collapse even though arrivals are up, and the President is the Minister of Tourism.

Break The Vicious Cycle of Communist Failure

The time to break this vicious cycle of communist failure is now. We do not even have enough water to wash our rice, and feed our children, yet the PL have approved projects that will demand even more water. A hotel room demands 750 litres of water a day for a 5 star. A smaller hotel needs 500 litres per day. A Seychellois family of Six(6) uses 25 litres of water a day from bakke to a bottle to bathe. When will the communist put an end to this madness? How will all the sewage be treated PL? Where will we get the extra roads for all the projects? What is your plan ? You seem good at planning elections, stealing votes, and buying SNP executive members, beating up young men and criminalizing them, but what is your plan to run the Tourism Industry?

Answer: You have no plan.

The answer is as official as the United Nations accepting South Sudan as a new nation state last week.

Moratorium on Future Projects

In an excellent presentation put forward by Marquise David, STB proposed that a moratorium on future development be considered by the Minister of Tourism and the PL Cabinet, until the PL can catch up with the disaster they have created. Along these lines, was a general sentiment that projects given and approved for foreign interests must be channeled back to bona fide Seychellois national interests to implement. Nationalist sentiment in the meeting of stakeholders was at a peak and should serve as a solid warning to those who think they can walk into paradise and do what they want with the “natives”.

He on Eden Island, who thought this on entry, will have an adjusted perception on exit.

Few if any, have taken Seychellois for fools and did not regret it. Confusing Seychellois with communism is one grave mistake many have made. The deals you cut were with communists. The deals that are cut back, will be made by “Freedom Loving Seychellois”, one way or another.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!

Christopher Gill 


Anonymous said...

SFP gives its national executive secret. That way they cannot be bought by PL.

Anonymous said...

You were seen on CCTV last night, collaborating with the communists to protect your business interests.

Anonymous said...

Collaborator from SNP defunct party-

I was sitting in a meeting listening to St. Ange your former Executive committee member dish out the bad news about what I just wrote.

Where were you? Licking your self inflicted wounds like a dog gone mad?

Don't thread on me, SNP Pathetic beyond limits!

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Your presence encouraged Parti Lepep. You know well that they judge success by the number of people who attend these meetings. They see attendance as endorsement. Next, they will approach you with a deal you can't refuse. Before you know it, you are talking about how you were wrong the day before and have now started to see the light.

Where is SFP ?

Where is the newspaper ?

Anonymous said...

What I meant in the first post was -- SFP keeps its national executive members secret.

Anonymous said...

SNP Collaborator-

The meeting was and SHTA STB meeting.

If we abandon this meeting and our efforts, Tourism not only collapses as it has been, it shuts down.

What kind of morons come out of SNP leadership?

Where are we going to get the money to pay for your fat cat pension of 70% of your salary, which you voted for? Answer that question, moron SNP Collaborator.

You guys are totally pitiful!

A meeting of Tourism Trade, is not a session of the National Assembly idiot! The Trade must survive through your tirades just as it survived through One Party State.

To think that intelligent people today, wonder why the hell the opposition is in the mess it is in?

Your foolish assertions, explain it 100%.

Go sort out your party pooh pooh, before you start telling me what meetings to attend and which ones to Boycott!

Clearly SNP does not even know which sessions to Boycott and which ones to attend at the National Assembly. You were suppose to Boycott all of them .

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

SNP Collaborator-

The meeting was and SHTA STB meeting.

If we abandon this meeting and our efforts, Tourism not only collapses as it has been, it shuts down.

What kind of morons come out of SNP leadership?

Where are we going to get the money to pay for your fat cat pension of 70% of your salary, which you voted for? Answer that question, moron SNP Collaborator.

You guys are totally pitiful!

A meeting of Tourism Trade, is not a session of the National Assembly idiot! The Trade must survive through your tirades just as it survived through One Party State.

To think that intelligent people today, wonder why the hell the opposition is in the mess it is in?

Your foolish assertions, explain it 100%.

Go sort out your party pooh pooh, before you start telling me what meetings to attend and which ones to Boycott!

Clearly SNP does not even know which sessions to Boycott and which ones to attend at the National Assembly. You were suppose to Boycott all of them .

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

SNP Collaborator-

The meeting was and SHTA STB meeting.

If we abandon this meeting and our efforts, Tourism not only collapses as it has been, it shuts down.

What kind of morons come out of SNP leadership?

Where are we going to get the money to pay for your fat cat pension of 70% of your salary, which you voted for? Answer that question, moron SNP Collaborator.

You guys are totally pitiful!

A meeting of Tourism Trade, is not a session of the National Assembly idiot! The Trade must survive through your tirades just as it survived through One Party State.

To think that intelligent people today, wonder why the hell the opposition is in the mess it is in?

Your foolish assertions, explain it 100%.

Go sort out your party pooh pooh, before you start telling me what meetings to attend and which ones to Boycott!

Clearly SNP does not even know which sessions to Boycott and which ones to attend at the National Assembly. You were suppose to Boycott all of them .

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

You clearly want to appear in the next PPB for James Michel, along with Jane Carpin.

When you can put together an executive committee, then you can criticise others.

Anonymous said...

Seychelles Freedom Party does not need to put together an executive comittee to show SNP when they seem to have done such in a rush and hush and now the wool is peeling off their backs.

How many knives did ramka count when he recruited his executives? Why is it Today more than one is slashing his tires and blowing the wind out of his teter ek konper /Jean francois ferrari ek Nicholas Prea even mancienne is too old to stop a stab in his back.

Like it or not SFP is the best choice anyone have in view of the political climate we are in.

The rest is merely easy boycott boycott boycott!!

Cases to the courts is futile you snp idiots because you will only be led up with gas and then ignited to burst into flames as speaker herminie did to you lot.

If christopher Gill is as smart as i think he is he should not recruit en ponyen lawyer voler later e araze larzan even en bann vye tantin parey carpin, ek alcindor ki byen malad pour fer vin manm ekzekitif.

Jean francois pe kas likou ramkalawan pour en pe mwenza dan sa dernyen dil ki i tin fer ek misel pour les sheikh khaliffa trankil e ferm regar e pa ekrir lo li. Menm in dir ki i pour boycott selman si biye i ganny donnen ek son bann koleg.

I pe vann nou!!

Anonymous said...

Gill wants people to boycott Parti Lepep but he will not boycott where his business interests are affected.

Anonymous said...

Malen dan SNP will not cease to amaze me and the joke is always better told when you see jean francois and ramka at work. Just today they called clifford andre en zavoka whereas people used to call jean francois brainless chicken and ramkalawan ramkaka.

If these idiots really wanted to compare themself to christopher gill well i guess they would need to ask the devil to extent their stay on earth so they can study to better themselves at least through puberty stages. Christopher Gill writes detremental articles based on the state of the economy and the tourism industry knowingly that he is a business man that may suffer the consequences of victimization and the reconing of sesel pou arab.

On the other hand let's observe Ramkalawan who was resigning ages ago, so where is he today?? Still leader and still ego and proud not to pas baton!! JFF where is he today?? Still at arpent vert pe lager pour li ganny tit leader en parti kinn fini konmans anvoy loder traizon dan piblik.

Gill is the perfect example of dove which represents freedom his ideas are broadly shared and used by all even in their time of dispair, " take the boycott as example". Another was his speech in the snp convention. Who is smart enough to talk of the economy and figures as he did there?? Ramka, Henri, George, Derjaque, Carpins, Pierre, maybe lablache john could have aided but sadly ramka got him also to cross sides.

SNP is now known as the Cross the Floor merry band of seychelles!

Anonymous said...

Pp is walking aimless without a plan.A goal without a plan Pp is just a wish.We cannot depend of wishes to make things happen but by taking concrete actions.
What Pp should have done is call on all persons in the industry to come together in order to bring ideas of how to get the industry out of the ditch PP has grabbed the industry in.I means all people concern namely Guest house owners,travel agencies,etc...

Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...

I thank those who have expressed support and encouragement for our hard work.

It is a team effort, based on solid ideals.

It is not about filling the pockets of the leadership, it is about filling the hearts of our people that change for Freedom, is possible and we must work towards this.

It is not about hiding coup conspirators and informants who sold us 30 years ago, but it is about exposing them as they sell us out today again.

It is about our Freedom, which we have an inalienable right given to us by God, not PL Michel, who can hardly read and write, yet insist to lead a country,or Butcher Rene, who will kill you if you tell him communism does not work.

Communism does not work!~

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Let us see now if he kills you, or if keeps you alive to divide the opposition.

Anonymous said...

I have no will to divide the opposition.

I have written tirelessly for years to unite the opposition and face down the communists in Seychelles while SNP develops a cozy love affair between the culture of back stabbings.

Unity in the opposition is not a card to play. It is a obligation to live up to and to keep no matter how pathetic another player has become.

In our case, we have appealed for unity and SNP has ignored the call because they have too many skeletons in their closets.

Just yesterday I was in a meeting, with Boulle, Volcere, others working towards unity. There was no SNP present. This is the second meeting we have held on our own steam, because we cannot wait for a fallen angel to do the work of a hero.

Michel can kill me. I expect this. Death is deliverance for us all to the kingdom of God. While on earth, we do the work of God- not of man.

God demands, that Seychellois be free. For this, we do not compromise.

It is James Michel, the sham elected president, who will compromise and bend his knees, not to my will, but the will of God.

I am only an instrument of God's will.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Death is deliverance for us all to the kingdom of God.

How many virgins are you expecting ?

Anonymous said...

SNP Pathetic-

You should refrain from taking the Lords name in vain.

I call on you to shut your party the SNP down. Toss the keys along Mamelles, between Mahe and Praslin.

Let the sharks swallow it.

SNP is not only worthless, it is useless and dis-functional without a coach or second to allow you all to copy and paste.

Seychelles needs to move on!

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

I am only an instrument of God's will.

You are prophet now. A false one ?

Anonymous said...


you Atheist ,you have no moral rights to use the name of GOD.Please do i a favor stop disturbing the almighty.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

God is worried that Chris claims to be a prophet on earth.

Anonymous said...

Any idviduals who follow the Lord,is messager of his words,and he asked us to promote his teaching to those to your likes whose little brains were not developed enough to fully understand his holy words.Just as atheists are the messagers of communism.

Stop disturbing God,you communist.Repent,start going to church and ask for forgiveness,then you will become a real man.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

SNP Pathetic-

You are no more and no less then a Leper among us.

If you will to be redeemed, you must cleanse yourself.

Right now, we want to know what Ramkalawan and Ferrari had to do with the lost of Denousse and Asher.

We call on them to explain their role in the meeting place and pick up of these two young men.

We already know what happened to Son Chang Him.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

If they were involved, don't you think SPPF would have given you the information by now ?

Anonymous said...

Reply to Anonymous "if they were involved" don't you think SPPF would have given information on them?

Answer: No.

Why? The SPPF story is that they (Asher and Denousse) blew themselves up. The bodies were not viewed. But workers at the hospital testified that body parts were dismembered with a sharp knife. Fingers on Denousse were cut under torture. Bombs do not cut fingers.

SPPF have remained silent to protect all that conspired in the extrajudicial killing at the time, which we all know was common practice under F A Rene rule.

This is why I ask Ramkalawan and Ferrari to speak for themselves.

Ramkalawan we know was a paid informant at the time with State House. So, this collaborates with the statement that he could be involved in handing these guys over in St. Louis. He can confirm or deny.

Ferrari was a coup player that raised an AK-47 vs Freedom to kill anyone that resisted his efforts. Hence the possibility that he too was involved as the eyewitness told me, is likely.

But the long and short of it, is that these personalities need to explain their role in the matter.

We do not need to play around with Anonymous comments on the matter. That only shows that something is being hidden that should not be.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

No not this Time,becuase Pp depend on the two stooges ,wothout them Ppwill be in shit.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

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